Comments, Compliments and Complaints

We value your feedback
We strive to provide safe and quality services so that you can receive the best care and treatment available.  We strive to improve the Hospital’s services every day.  You can help us with this.  We would be interested in hearing about your experience using our services.  We value your feedback, and it helps us improve our services.
Comments / Compliments

Your feedback is very important to us and our mission is to ensure we provide and continuously improve our quality services. Comment cards are displayed and available to all on all our suites. Our patients can can complete a comment card during their visit, or at any stage of their stay and place it in the suggestion/comment box on the suite. 


Complaints, comments or suggestions about our services, whether written or verbal, will be taken seriously and handled appropriately and sensitively.  Any complaint will be viewed as an opportunity to continuously improve the quality of the services that we provide and to learn lessons to prevent similar occurrences in the future.  

You can let us know your experience in any of the following ways:

  • You will probably want to talk to a member of staff or the Clinical Nurse Manager.  Always remember that any staff member will assist you.  Your concerns will be shared only with those who need to know.  The staff member or Clinical Nurse Manager will listen to your concern and make an immediate effort to resolve the issue.
  • If the issue is more significant and cannot be resolved in a timely manner, you can make a complaint by returning the completed Complaint Form to the Complaints Officer.
  • You can e-mail us at:

If, following local investigation by the Complaints Officer, you remain dissatisfied with the outcome, you may forward your complaint to the Appeals Officer at Saint John of God Hospital for review.


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