The Ginesa Suite Multidisciplinary Team

What is a multidisciplinary team (MDT)?

The MDT is a team of people who are involved in your care and treatment and can include a number of different professionals, depending on your needs. Your team may include some or all of the following people:


Consultant Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist – Dr. Sarah McGivern
Senior Registrar – Dr Katherine Reidy
Registrar – Dr Osman Fakhreldin

You will meet with a doctor from your team on admission and at least once per week throughout your stay on Ginesa Suite. This will involve discussions about your mental health and monitoring of your physical wellbeing.

Nurse Managers

Clinical Nurse Managers – Niamh McCullagh & Emma Malone

The Nurse Managers have many responsibilities in Ginesa, including managing the day to day running of the service to help ensure that you get the most out of your stay in Ginesa. During your stay in Ginesa we are available to come and talk to for support and advice.

Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)


The CNS is involved in running groups to help you work on your recovery. She will meet with you weekly during your stay on Ginesa to discuss your treatment plan and to encourage you to be actively involved in all decisions regarding your care here on Ginesa Suite.

Senior Social Worker & Family Therapist

Scott Hill

The Social Worker will meet with you and your family to offer support and to explore any issues that may be causing difficulty in the family. Your parents will be invited to attend sessions for support and education with our team. The social worker also contacts local youth and community groups that may be beneficial upon discharge. The Social Worker also facilitates support groups with parents and carers. Managing Child Protection concerns is also an integral part of the social work role.

Senior Occupational Therapist
Maebh Gorby

The Occupational Therapist is involved in running groups such Creative Cooking Group. Occupational Therapy aims to work with you on skills for recovery (such as independent living skills, planning and organisational and social and communication skills). The Occupational Therapist will also meet with you individually to create OT goals whilst you’re staying in Ginesa (e.g. exploring your interests and daily routine).

Senior Clinical Psychologist

Dr. Louise Canacott

Adolescence means a time of great change, growth, and occasionally emotional chaos. This is completely normal! You are on a journey to becoming an adult, both physically and psychologically, which can cause overwhelming uncertainty and feelings of despair. Your relationships with friends and family may seem impossible to manage, leaving you sad and somewhat misunderstood.

Here at Ginesa we focus on solutions. Our aim is to work with you and your family to provide clarity for your specific challenges. You can learn new ways to effectively manage your emotions while identifying your strengths and rebuilding your self-confidence. This will provide you with the freedom to choose the tools necessary to reclaim your sense of purpose and meaning, so you can live your best life, filled with energy, determination and happiness.

Nursing Staff on the Unit

Too Many to Mention!
You will be assigned a Key Nurse each day, who is available for listening, reassurance, motivation, education & understanding. They are there to facilitate groups, to meet with you on an individual basis and to advocate on your behalf.


Dr. Mary McCreery

The Clinical Nutritionist and Dietician visits Ginesa once per week. She gives advice on diet and nutrition to those diagnosed with different medical conditions or with a compromised nutritional intake. If you are assessed by the Dietician you will be provided with dietary intervention / nutritional support to aid your recovery, aiming to meet your nutritional requirements as your medical condition evolves. She will prepare a nutrition treatment plan with you and your family that will support your nutritional needs, medical condition and quality of life. This plan may require adjustment as your medical condition changes.


Betty O’Connor

The Ginesa Education support programme aims to facilitate your continued education while you are resident in hospital during the academic year. The classroom teacher will work with you to design an individualised education plan based on your academic needs. You will be facilitated in both group settings and also on an individual basis within an ICT-enabled and well – resourced positive classroom environment as part of the Ginesa Suite weekly timetable.


Teresa Mooney

Teresa looks after the day-to-day running of the Ginesa Suite’s Office and is also responsible for organising and processing Admissions to the Ginesa Suite.

Accommodation Team

Inara Keisa

The Accommodation Team ensure that our environment is clean at all times. Be mindful that they need to be able to access your rooms to clean the floors etc. so you will need to keep the space around your beds neat and tidy…this is not their job! Please help Inara by keeping the communal areas clutter free.

Catering Team

The dining room offers a range of options, including vegetarian and the menu changes on a daily basis. Please don’t hesitate to let the catering staff know of any specific dietary requirements as they will be happy to help.

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