Outpatient Services

We accept referrals from across the country

Our Outpatient Clinic is based in Stillorgan.

Please fax your referral to 01-288 5170 or post to Outpatient Services, Saint John of God Hospital, Stillorgan, Co Dublin and the patient will be assigned to a consultant.

If you have any queries please call 01-277 1400

Psychiatric assessments are carried out by consultant psychiatrists with special interests in a range of psychiatric disorders.

Disorders treated include mood disorders, personality disorders, anxiety disorders, memory disorders and adjustment/trauma related disorders.

Psychiatry of Later Life provides outpatient services for patients of sixty five years or older and younger patients who may benefit from the expertise in cognitive disorders and dementia or psychiatric problems associated with physical illness and neurological disorders.

Each consultant psychiatrist has access to a team of psychologists and occupational therapists to allow cross-referral and delivery of an integrated high quality approach to treatment.

If you refer a patient to Outpatient Services you will be informed of the time of first appointment and will be kept updated on patient progress.

Saint John of God Hospital employs a team of senior clinical psychologists who deliver high quality, patient focused, individualised treatment.  All treatments are evidence-based and available in individual or group format.

Typically a course of psychotherapy lasts for 6-12 sessions although for some patients it can be longer.

For more information please contact 01-277 1440

Direct referrals for Psychology are welcome by sending a referral letter by fax to 01-288 5107 or post to Outpatient Department, Saint John of God Hospital, Stillorgan, Co Dublin.


The WRAP® plan (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) is a simple self-management tool which helps people gain more control over their wellbeing. It is intended to help people to plan for themselves how best to maintain wellness and reduce and better manage periods of illness. It is a highly individualised plan which is developed and owned by the person.  The Saint John of God Hospital WRAP® service is two tiered with strands for both those with mental health difficulties and for their carers.

Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)

The MBSR is an evidence-based, standardised, 8 week health promotion based group intervention developed by Jon Kabit Zinn with a particular focus on developing a greater understanding and ability to cope with stress and an individual’s suffering.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is designed to help people who suffer repeated bouts of depression and chronic unhappiness. It combines the ideas of cognitive therapy with meditative practices and attitudes based on the cultivation of mindfulness.

Post-Discharge Support Group

A post-discharge follow up support group programme for those clients recently discharged from hospital who need support in transitioning from hospital to return to everyday life and to increase self-efficacy in meeting challenges, sustain hope or optimism and reduce isolation in recovery.

Referrals & Queries:

Direct referrals and queries can be made by phoning 01 277 1472

For more information please click here

Saint John of God Hospital

Tel: 01 2771400
Fax: 01 2881034

Admissions Office

Tel: 01 2771450
Fax: 01 2771455

Psychology Services

Tel: 01 2771440
Fax: 01 2885107

Adolescent Assessments

Tel: 01 2771544
Fax: 01 2771637

Data Protection Officer

Tel:  01 6392958

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